
As Dry Grad is a parent-sponsored event, it is critical that all parents help out in some capacity to ensure a successful event. There is something for everyone to do – whether it’s individual shifts or more involved leadership roles.

The majority of volunteers are parents of the graduating class, but others are welcome to help out as well, especially grade 11 parents as they will want to know how this all works for their grads next year.

You can volunteer by using the “Sign Up” link which takes you to the SignUpGenius website. There is no need to register with SignUpGenius to volunteer

Thank you!

Clean Up

Once the event is over, all the decorations must be put away. This goes much faster with more people! Time commitment: Cleanup starts at 4:00 am on Saturday, May 31, 2025, and usually ends by 8:00 am.


Set up and decoration happens the day BEFORE grad. Some heavy lifting is required. Setup begins at 12:30 pm on Thursday, May 29, 2025 and you can join at any time. We will be there until everything is set up.

Entertainment & Games

Volunteers are needed to supervise the games and events inside the event. There are shifts between the hours of 11:00 pm – 4:00 am on the day of the event.


Volunteers will assist with preparation, food pick-up and/or food set-up for food and beverages provided during the event.


Volunteers will be needed to coordinate fundraising efforts (see donations), PLUS we need volunteers to help run the fundraising events!


We are looking for people to assist with organization and distribution of prizes. There are shifts available between the hours of 11pm – 4am on the day of the event.

Red Carpet

Volunteers are needed from both Grade 11 and 12 parents. Traditionally, parents of Grade 11 students assist with tasks during the event so that
Grade 12 parents can watch their graduates.

Security/Registration/Coat Check

Positions include setup, registration table, coat check, screening, and providing a friendly presence throughout the event. First aid or medical experience would also be helpful. Shifts available between 11:00 pm and 4:30 am.

T-Shirts & Tickets

Assistance is needed to help distribute T-shirts to graduates in the days leading up to graduation, as well as produce tickets for the event and other fundraising needs.